Mason Allan Ray

Born: 1/10/06 2:23pm Weight: 9 lbs 2 ounces Length: 21.5 inches

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Butterfly Garden

These are my buddies Myles and Gavin. We had so much fun trying to catch the butterflies. One actually landed on my head. We kept our Mommies busy chasing after us. :-)

Saturday, April 14, 2007

The Stork is Bringing Me a Sister!

I just found out I'm going to have a baby sister at the end of August. I'm so excited to meet her and to become a big brother. I've noticed all her clothes are pink and purple and not blue. Glad I don't have to share clothes with her!

Happy Easter

This was my second Easter. The Easter Bunny came to my house and left some eggs (which I didn't like the taste or the smell of). He did give me a few new books and a huge green ball. I had a great Easter dinner with my uncles and Mommy and Daddy.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Sick again!

Unfortunately, I'm sick again with pneumonia for the second time. I'm doing much better but still have to be hooked up to a breathing machine a few times a day. I really do not want to eat so Mommy has resorted to Push-Ups. They are so YUMMY!

Tee Time Anyone?

Book time with Natalya

This is my friend Natalya. She is going to be a year in May.